Friday, April 28, 2006

Live with optimism

*Develop your intelligence, improve your solemnity-image, their wall light talents for noble and high ends
*Don't be impressed with alarming and sad news
*Go straight ahead without fearing the obstacles
*Don't discourage, don't complain, it doesn't allow the pessimism and the disbelief to trouble your heart
*Live with enthusiasm, persistence, trust, always looking for better life conditions
*Avoid to speak in crises, diseases, difficulties. Speak in health, success, peace, prosperity.....
*Improving our thoughts and our attitudes, we improved our businesses and our destinies
*Cultivate positive and promising thoughts; they will contribute to your personal success
*Think about the best, speak in the best, always work for the best, wait for only the best...
*The thought is life... the life is expansion.... expand... revive... it is moved...
*Increase your optimism and your happiness of living.
* Always positive thinking . . . . . . . . .

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